Monday, February 2, 2009

Rolling along very nicely, an update with snapshots....

During the past week we have made a lot of progress.
Firstly we have chosen a name for the engine which will drive it all, TUG, and established a website at This is quite an exciting development as we realise many of the wider applications this work can have. We are currently hosting this on my own server but will need to find a seperate space as it has the potential to be quite server intensive.

Below are some pictures with descriptions, they tell a better story than words are able to.

First up is a pic of Will's work, these are the various states for the control panel, which he has communicating with the website.

This is the scoreboard, which is recording each avatars time as well as the questions they answered correctly or not, all feeding from the website.

Each door will have a panel next to it as you can see below, that the student can click for a question. The first door will have one question, the second two, the third three etc....all fed from the website database (meaning teachers can update them). We are also working on a web based control panel for the virtual environment.

The yard.

Some logos which will form part of a game. Students will be asked a question and have to click the correct image to win a prize/access.

Inside the maze/factory.

Safety ladder.

Facade of the factory.

Looking from the left hand side, yard to the left, factory behind it.

TUG Safety Gear, including a hardhat, vest and boots. These must be put on before entering the site.