Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Geoff has installed TRAC to assist with productivity.

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies.

It provides an interface to Subversion (or other version control systems), an integrated Wiki and convenient reporting facilities.

Trac allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages, creating links and seamless references between bugs, tasks, changesets, files and wiki pages. A timeline shows all current and past project events in order, making the acquisition of an overview of the project and tracking progress very easy. The roadmap shows the road ahead, listing the upcoming milestones.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Outcomes of today's meeting with Jann and Jennifer, Hairdressing/Personal Services

  • Hairdressing program is flexible and self-paced, with students starting every two weeks in some areas and with the goal of completing around 80 days of study.
  • Two groups of hairdressing classes being delivered in high schools
  • Students have varying levels of motivation and responsibility. Some are rough diamond Western suburbs kids
  • Some admin issues with teachers having to sign off multiple times per completed task per student. This is more of an admin/mgt issue and implies a separate project (perhaps web-based signoff as per ATOM system). Suggested discussing with CI Design Studio, who would talk to Matt Ward to build a system.
  • Possibility of using Ning or similar social networking environment in conjunction with SL.
  • Jann suggested might be good for Dale to go to Hair Expo in Sydney - June long weekend - for further inspiration and glamour factor!
  • Looking at starting Second Life delivery in Second Semester (beginning July 13) with Cert II Pre Apprentices in Hairdressing
  • Work with Jennifer Walsh, other teachers and students to develop program collaboratively
  • Three units of competency targeted: Work Effectively in Retail Environments, Follow and Use Health & Safety Routines at Work, Apply Safe Work Practices
  • In these, focus on: designing salon, how to dress appropriately for salon, OH &S, basin and reception skills
  • Discussion of embedding printable Certificate into TUG Engine
  • Will need to run SL sessions at CI, Flinders Street due to King St computers and web not making the grade. Probably will need to be during holidays pre-July 13 - that's when labs won't be fully booked. Details tbc
  • We're going in this coming Monday to develop program further and meet students

Aerial view of the progress so far

When I took an aerial shot of our build in Second Life earlier tonight, I was struck by how similar it was to something I knew well in my childhood, and by the realisation that we are just building a more complex version for bigger kids.