After testing the new template in the Opera Mobile browser we had originally decided on at the beginning of the project it soon became clear that we needed to revisit the browser war and evaluate our earlier decisions. While Opera Mobile was originally selected due to the apparent high level of support in the first HTML5 geo location tests we performed it has now become evident that this has come at a sacrifice as Opera displayed poor support for CSS3 and hence the beautiful UI I have generated is virtually unusable.
This has led us to re-explore some of our earlier options looking back on Mozilla Firefox 4 for Android which has now matured to its first release candidate, we also took another look at the default Android browser. At first glance Firefox rendered the UI almost as well as the default browser only the button gradients were missing and the transitions between pages.
While Firefox offers a great solution now that Opera is off the cards, we were keen to maintain all the visual beauty of the JQuery Mobile framework and set out to find a new geo location test that worked in the default browser. After some investigation we manage to accomplish this task and how achieved full compatibility and can now make use of the power WebKit Android browser. Below are some screenshots demonstrating just how different the new template looked in the Opera Mobile browser.