This morning we met with Rob McCormack, student rover coordinator for VU Learning Support Services. Rob will run the trial for the library mobile treasure hunt. (one of the 3 trials we are running for this project, which will see us working with VU TAFE Music, Library/student rovers and Building Design).
This one looks very promising, in terms of both its impact and possibility of future expansion.
Here's what we're looking at doing:
- competitive lunchtime activity (30-45mins) involving new students, working in pairs with guidance from the rovers, answering 15 questions related to finding things throughout the library and thereby learning how to use the library
- to be run during one week in May - five lunchtime sessions involving 12-16 new students per day
- grand prize to be iPod shuffle (or similar) with daily prizes of double movie passes
- total of 75 questions to be developed by Rob and rovers - 15 question sets with randomly rotating questions appearing from a pool of 5 per set (similar activities but different answers to eliminate cheating). Questions to be developed by end of March. Can be trialed on paper in April by rovers.
- if students answer wrongly, system will give them another question from the same set until they get it right, then will move on to the next set
- at the end of doing the exercise, system screen will appear with time it has taken them to finish the 15 questions. Will take this to the rovers who will note the figure down. Fastest times for day and week will win presents.
- at the onset, participants to type in VU student numbers. Rovers to offer advice on how to answer questions throughout exercise
- treasure hunt to be promoted by rovers in advance (ie is voluntary, opt in activity)
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