Thursday, May 19, 2011

Students, where are you for our second trial?

After deciding it wasn't the best option to go 'cold calling' on students in the VU Footscray library to take part in our library treasure hunt trial, we thought we'd find a class of first year students from that campus.

So we emailed three colleagues in Education - no response.

So after testing and refining the questions created by the student rovers, we coordinated with a Student Support person for a group of seven students to do the exercise. We bought them two movie tickets each, as suggested by the Student Support person.

And then we waited at the appointed place at 1pm today...and waited. No students - and the support person didn't know where they were either (he had emailed them the day before with confirmation, directions and my mobile number)


We later found out that this student support person was in transition and this was his last day on that job. So possibly some issues there. In the meantime, we'll need to find some more students, and write off today.

This, however, has reinforced our finding that working with other program areas can be difficult, that there are other things going on in their areas and their focus may be elsewhere. And perhaps that movie tickets aren't such a strong incentive these days (we had been thinking of an iPod Shuffle as a prize)

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